
Proposed Regulations to Vehicle Booting

In late May 2019, Governor Polis enacted legislation which, in part, authorized the Colorado Public Utilities Commission (“PUC”) to regulate vehicle booting companies in a fashion similar to the way the PUC regulates towing companies.

The proposed rule will:

  • Define “vehicle booting company”;
  • Set standards and procedures for booting vehicles and paying to have the boots removed;
  • Require permits for vehicle booting companies;
  • Require certain insurances for vehicle booting companies;
  • And permits the PUC from denying permits based on certain disqualifications.

For more information on what specifically is proposed, please see here for the regulations.

On September 12, 2019, the PUC issued a notice of rulemaking, and published the notice in the Colorado Register in its September 25, 2019 edition.

Interested persons may file written comments on or before October 11, 2019 here using proceeding number: 19R-0485TR.

A hearing shall take place on October 28, 2019 at 9 a.m. at:

Commission Hearing Room
Suite 250
1560 Broadway
Denver, CO

If you have a vested interest in the regulating of parking boots, please file a written comment, or attend the above-listed hearing!

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